Andras Niedermayer – Université de Cergy-Pontoise – Laboratoire THEMA
- Empirical Industrial Organization
- Theoretical Industrial Organization
- Auction Econometrics, Auction Theory,
- Applied Microeconomic Theory,
- Search, Computational Economics and Finance, Insurance Economics
Dmitry Kovrizhin – Université de Cergy-Pontoise – Laboratoire LPTM
- Quantum systems out of equilibrium
- Quantum Hall effect
- Topological insulators
- Quantum magnetism (Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons)
- Lattice bosons with long range interactions
- Bose-Einstein condensation
Raphaël Krikorian, AGM, University of Cergy-Pontoise
Imen Ghatassi, Assistant Professor, CEPN, University of Paris 13
Marcus Pivato, Full Professor, THEMA, University of Cergy-Pontoise
My research focuses on individual and collective decision-making and social welfare. Here are some of my recent projects:
- Social choice with uncertainty and/or intertemporal aspects (in the tradition of Harsanyi’s Social Aggregation Theorem).
- Holistic approaches to judgement aggregation (which avoid impossibility theorems by relaxing the independence condition).
- The use of ordered algebraic structures and methods from nonstandard analysis to represent lexicographical utility functions and/or probabilities (which arise naturally in certain problems in game theory, uncertainty, and infinite-horizon intertemporal choice).
- Epistemic social choice theory with interacting voters; deliberative democracy.
- Foundational problems in social welfare theory, such as measures of well-being and the nature of interpersonal comparisons.
- Multiutility representations of incomplete preference orders.
- Statistical approximations of utilitarian social welfare in large populations.