LABEX MME-DII was one of the winners of the second call for projects of the Investissements d’Avenir programme (Investments for the Future – a French national funding programme designed to promote innovation and research).
Within the framework of the LABEX (Centres of Excellence) call for projects, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research granted €4.5M to the MME-DII consortium – “Economic and Mathematical Models of Dynamics, Uncertainty and Interactions.”
Working on a joint interdisciplinary project centred on mathematical, economic and financial modelling, the LABEX MME-DII consortium is composed of over 150 researchers specialized in such areas as economics, mathematics and physics. It thus brings together seven higher education and research institutions of the Île-de-France region: the CY Cergy Paris University (THEMA, AGM and LPTM), the University of Paris Nord (CEPN and LAGA), the University of Paris Ouest (Modal’X), ESSEC Business School, the University of Panthéon-Assas (LEM), the University of Evry (EPEE) and the CNRS (France’s national scientific research centre).
MME-DII will constitute an internationally recognized research centre in the modelling of stochastic processes, of decision-making in situations of uncertainty, and of the dynamics of individual interactions. By combining such cross-disciplinary areas of knowledge as mathematics, economics and theoretical physics, MME-DII will help shed light on major societal challenges, ranging from the prevention of financial crises to the management of environmental risks.
LABEX MME-DII will consist of:
- an open international centre of excellence, reaching beyond the institutional boundaries of the founding research centres;
- a multidisciplinary integrated training programme in mathematics and economics leading to a B.A., Master’s Degree, PhD or post-doc, with specific courses and eventually a double degree;
- researchers recruited for their strong potential.
The MME-DII research consortium presents major assets, such as a strong community of very highly-qualified researchers, involved in a common cross-disciplinary project which hinges upon the combination of Social Sciences, as well as Exact Sciences, a complementary consortium both in terms of research and training, a coherent and integrated partnership and an autonomous and adapted governance.
The development of the MME-DII project will be supported by a coherent programme of scientific actions combining:
- a programme designed to enhance international attractiveness and lead to the development of research Chairs;
- a teaching programme;
- a funding programme for research and reduced teaching loads;
- a programme for the dissemination and valorisation of research.
Scientific Coordinator of the consortium: Eric Danan –